Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles, as well as the application of heat and electrical impulses, to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and functions with precision.
When specific acupuncture points are punctured, it is believed to activate the nervous system, leading to the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals then initiate the release of additional chemicals and hormones, thereby promoting the body’s innate healing capabilities.
The British Tinnitus Association assessed the studies on acupuncture for tinnitus and determined that “there is insufficient evidence to support its effectiveness.”
Nonetheless, it could potentially be beneficial as a treatment for anxiety. Given that stress can exacerbate tinnitus, developing strategies to manage stress (and anxiety) is a crucial aspect of tinnitus management.
It should be emphasised that acupuncture has also demonstrated its effectiveness in treating chronic pain through well-conducted clinical trials. These studies have provided evidence of its benefits that go beyond the mere placebo effect. Considering that pain can induce stress, which in turn can lead to tinnitus, acupuncture may indirectly aid patients with tinnitus as well.